Wednesday, April 30, 2008

vision'R Review Special iPodU Session Response

The vision'R festival like the Mapping festival presented a broad variety of digital time-based artists, theorists, designers and much much more. Both of these events were dense in experience and rich with information. There is not enough time for you to watch and comment on everything at this point in the semester. What I'd like you to do is to review as many of the special "Special iPodU vision'R" iTunes video posts as you can and post your response in general or in specific to the vision'R blog. The vision'R videos are found under the NMD 430 iTunes section.

vision'R Edwin and Bart on Resolume Special iPodU Session Response

At vision'R there was a range of artists, visual performers, hardware and software designers. It was a great opportunity to meet first hand designers of many different products available for the live time-based visual artist and performer. Of the many people Bart and Edwin, the creators of Resolume, gave a nice talk about their history and process. Please watch and post.

vision'R Claire on her project Alice Special iPodU Session Response

One of the many artists and performers from vision'R Claire talks about her process and the concept behind the work "Alice." Please watch this talk and post your response.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

NMD 430 Lecture 11 Online Live with VJTheory

Online with artist, author and editor Ana Carvahlo of "VJTheory .net" and ""

"VJTheory intends to develop a community actively discussing and reflecting on philosophy and theory related with Vjing and realtime interaction.
It is apparent, during workshops and discussions at Festivals and symposia, that practitioners of both VJing and Interactive Installations will quickly move on from problems with the practicalities of production to more complex ideas of how and why the process has, for example, significance for the viewer.
There is a lack of written texts on the philosophies and theories related with VJing and realtime interaction.
This project and the associated book, aim to bring together work by some of the foremost practitioners and academics in the field.
We aim to produce a body of work which, for the first time, will address these theoretical issues and place the practices of VJing and Interactive Installation, into a useful context.
The website is a growing collection of articles, references and art projects in collaboration with contributors from the book and the growing community.
This is phase 1 of the project. New sample material from the book and complete texts specifically for the site will be available online as the work progresses."

Visual Agency is a multidisciplinary collective of people interested in visual communication. Projects developed are at the blurred and merging border between art and design, these can be web design solutions, visual performances, installations, theoretical and fictional writing works and participation in the development of other collectives and events. Visual Agency has a strong emphasis in the process, visible in the relationship with partners and clients, where personal approach to work is of major relevance.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mapping FestivalSuguro Goto Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing both parts of the performance and the site:

Mapping Festival Batman Zavareze Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and the site for the festival he hosts:

Mapping Festival Yroyto Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and at least one of his many sites:

Mapping Festival Akira (ARG) Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and at least one of his many sites:

Mapping Festival Liliane Schneiter Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing and looking at any information on the net you can find

Mapping Festival Raul Berruec of Meneo Special iPodU Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and at least one of his many sites:

Mapping Festival Rigo Pex of MeneoSpecial iPodU Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and at least one of his many sites:

Mapping Festival Ilan Katin Special iPodu Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and at least one of hs many sites:

Mapping Festival Roel Verlinden Special iPodU Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and looking at the site of
collaborators Olga Mink and Scanner

Mapping Festival VJTheory Special iPodU Session Response

Please post your responses after viewing the interview and looking at their site

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bootlab Berlin Special iPodU Session Response

Please post your Special iPodU Session response here.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

NMD 304 Lecture 9 Raphael Diluzio Building out Installation

Today we discussed the project I am installing in Tacheles. I asked that you use this blog post to present your final project ideas to one another. Please post an initial statement of your idea, refer to the lecture "part two," for specifics.

Katrina McPherson SSpecial iPodU Session Response

Please post your Special iPodU Session response here.